Sociologists on Mastodon – a list

Since there has been an influx of sociologists on Mastodon in the last few days, I decided to create a list of sociogical accounts in order to facilitate networking. Before I get to it, I would like to point you to the group @sociology. It basically works like a retweet bot. If you mention it in your (sociologically relevant) post it will automatically boost the post to its followers. If we reach a criticall mass, it could make sense to creat subgroups by language (sociology_de, sociology_en, sociology_fr …), but for now I suggest to use it with any language you like.

In this group I already posted a list of German speaking sociologists (based on the post here). Here I want to include sociologists across the globe. For now there are many German sciologists, as this was the context in which the list was initially created. But please point me to any other sociologists (or yourself), so I can extend it internationally. (List ist ordered alphabetically, but most recent first.)

This list is not updated any more. For an up-to-date list and an option to follow multiple sociological accounts at once, visit:

@PaulWeinheimer (Paul Weinheimer)
@jogruhl (Julia Gruhlich)
@Ninhowsky (Nina)
@wechselwirkung (Anıl Önder)
@austinkocher (Austin Kocher)
@sebastianschroeder (Sebastian Schröder)
@RaphaelKohl (Raphael Kohl)
@cbrandtner (Christof Brandtner)
@KarinScherschel (Karin Scherschel)
@allartmarkets (Liz Mcfall)
@immersender (Frank Meier)
@katjamoe (Katja Möhring) (Aleja Rodríguez Sánchez)
@sewenz (Sebastian E. Wenz)
@Theoriesektion (Theoriesektion DGS)
@akwiho (Working Group on Science Studies and Higher Education Research) (⇗)
@UltrasNiklasLuhmann (⇗)
@AKOrgaBewertung (GSA working group organization and evaluation) (⇗)
@AlexanderBrand (Alexander Brand) (⇗)
@AlexanderSchmidl (Alexander Schmidl)
@AlexMitterle (Alex Mitterle)
@amateur_garde (Désiré Waibel)
@annikabkr (Annika Becker) (⇗)
@ANosthoff (Anna-Verena Nosthoff) (⇗)
@arko23 (A. Koevel) (⇗)
@bekado (Benjamin Doubali)
@bjoernkrey (Björn Krey)
@Blaabaek (Ea Hoppe Blaabæk) (⇗)
@chrishammermann (Chris Hammermann)
@DieVilla4 (DieVillaBraslavsky) (⇗)
@DiscourseNet (DiscourseNet) (⇗)
@dustinstoltz (Dustin Stoltz)
@dwaldecker (David Waldecker)
@DWitte (Daniel Witte)
@empathroet (A. Hofmann)
@florianeyert (Florian Eyert)
@fosrecki (Fran Osrecki)
@fstengel (Frank A. Stengel) (⇗) (Hugo Cadenas) (⇗)
@hendrikerz (Hendrik Erz)
@h_gerhardt (Hans Gerhardt)
@ingorohlfing (Ingo Rohlfing)
@i_ngli (Ingmar Lippert)
@JanaHeinz (Jana Heinz)
@jelena3121 (Jelena Brankovic)
@johsvogel (Johannes S. Vogel)
@JulianHamann1 (Julian Hamann)
@julSEU (Julian Seuring)
@karengregory (Karen Gregory) (⇗)
@klauspforr (Klaus Pforr) (⇗)
@kjhealy (Kieran Healy)
@LarsAlberth (Lars Alberth)
@LordElend (Arne Maibaum)
@matsommer (Matthias Sommer)
@mheil (Matthias Heil) (⇗)
@naomilawsonjacobs (Naomi Lawson Jacobs)
@Oliver_Wieczorek (Oliver Wieczorek) (⇗)
@pardoguerra (JP Pardo-Guerra)
@pengzell (Per Engzell) (⇗)
@perspektivbrocken (David Adler) (⇗)
@petka (Peter Kahlert) (⇗)
@philipncohen (Philip N Cohen) (⇗)
@reliablyjeff (Jeff Roberts)
@RobertSeyfert (Robert Seyfert)
@silviosuckow (Silvio Suckow)
@simonlindgren (Simon Lindgren) (⇗)
@sluecking (Stefan Lücking)
@sms2sms (Stefan M. Seydel)
@sowa (Frank Sowa) (⇗)
@stefanlaser (Stefan Laser)
@thorsten_peetz (Thorsten Peetz)
@Weltenkreuzer (Nils Müller)
@wolf_witte (Wolf Witte) (⇗)
@zukunftsheld (Ingmar Mundt)

If I have forgotten someone, someone is new to Mastodon, or someone wants to be removed from the list, just write a brief note to @perspektivbrocken. Also, I only include names, if they are mentioned in the profile or if you explicitly ask me to do so. So get in touch if you want me to change a name.

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